Tuesday, December 24, 2019

No Two Alike

Today we use the term ‘Snowflake” to refer to the selfish, self-important, self-involved people that get their feeeeeelinnnnngs hurt at the drop of a hat and need their “safe space” to hide away from all the meanies in the world. I think this an insult to snowflakes. Snowflakes are one of the most beautiful creations that God gave to this world. So fleeting is its beauty and it makes you wonder how something so beautiful was created because who is going to appreciate them? Fairies? Their beauty cannot be seen with the naked eye. Each one is different. How can this be? You think about how many snowflakes it would take to cover a leaf of a tree and then you multiply that by all the ones that surround it. Think of all the snowflakes that cover the mountains of Peaks of Otter and the Smokey Mountains. Each one different from the other.

These un-snowflakes that live in this society now need to have something wake them up. If it was up to them, America would never have been discovered, a man would have never stepped foot on the moon and Hitler would rule the world. Suck it up people. I think everyone that acts like this should be drafted into the army, peace corps, save the children or some other mission service so they can see that it is not all about them.

I have a feeling that the time is coming when they will be tested. And the problem is that they will fail that test. There are people that live each day wondering if they will eat, drink or live to see the next day. Your feelings are not important. What you can do for each other is. We need to follow the golden rule and return to our roots. I don’t give a flying fig where your ancestors came from, what color you are, if your eyes are blue, black, brown or green. We are in this world together. There are people taking over. Drug cartels and Gangs are going to rule if we do not stand up and fight for our freedom.

It is not impossible to do.  We have to start caring. I mean care for that drug addict. No, I am not saying bring him into your home. Are you crazy! They will bring their friends back and rob you blind. I mean we have got to work as a team to come up with ways to help them, get them help that they do not pay for. I mean real help not a cold floor in a jail. I mean drug rehab, re-education and self-esteem returned. Give them their pride in themselves back. This is the only way we can fight these gangs and drug cartels. Don’t have a demand.

We have to become the moral and caring world that God had in mind so many years ago. Show these people that we don’t need them here. Throw out the ones that want conflict and anger and bring in the ones that want to care and give instead of get. There is no such thing as socialism politically but there is a communitieism that can be built. If each neighbor was responsible for the wellbeing of the neighbor on the left then that neighbor is responsible for the neighbor on their left, and so on, each person would be cared for and I guarantee that caring for someone else would be more rewarding than any drug that you can take.

People Get Ready

People Get Ready That song was released in 1965 by the Impressions. Followed by a number of singers and groups including Aretha Franklin,...